Welcome to Shion's Research Lab

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"If you run, you gain one but if you move forward, you gain two.""When you run, you gain one by not losing. But if you move forward, whether you win or not, there are two things you gain. Experience and pride. Not to mention trust."Suletta Mercury (Mobile Suit Gundam - The Witch from Mercury)Present day
The wind is blowing wildly as lightning flashes across the sky. An individual can be seen in the midst of the storm in front of the large crack which appeared in the air. With a wave of her hand, the crack disappeared and the storm faded. This has been one of the many cracks which she has found recently."I wonder what has been causing this phenomenon in multiple worlds?"Prologue
Ever since her parents' mysterious disappearance from the research lab during an investigation into an unknown energy source, Shion has been staying with her grandfather. Influenced by his enthusiasm in research and her innate flair in scientific studies, she became a prodigy researcher herself and she eventually took over the lab at the young age of 16y.o when her grandfather passed on. Now the lab invests in researches on all forms of clean and renewable energy sources.After accepting the title of Chrestomanci, Shion has been carrying out her duties fixing the rift in space and maintaining order during her travels to different worlds. She made it a point to study the energy sources from each of these worlds, hoping that one day it will bring her closer to locating her missing parents.Since young she has been trained in all sorts of self defence techniques as well as the use of a variety of weapons after her escape from her kidnappers. This has caused her to be skilled in both physical and magical attack and defence in her late teens.As an additional measure to prevent similar incident from recurring, she had been home schooled since then. She had minimal interactions with children of her age at that time. In situations like this, the media, magazines and literature became her main source of information about the world outside since childhood until her teen years where she was summoned to Devildom.

Several years have passed since her first visit to Devildom. She has since discovered about her lineage. Due to various situations and circumstances, her abilities develop and strengthen. One such ability is the ability to travel between worlds where she gets to meet many other interesting individuals. And in the process, she befriended new allies with similar interests during her travels.After becoming the Chrestomanci, she oversees the order of the multiverse while crossing between the different worlds unaffected by the logics of each world, past, present or future. She continues to move between the human world and Devildom while managing the company and fulfilling her duties as part of the student council together with the 7 rulers of Devildom.

About Shion
- Sensible, practical and a realist
- Serious mature young woman, usually calm and collected even when someone is acting tense in front of her, which makes her seems a bit cold sometimes
- Kind at heart and quite friendly with anyone as long they do not behave inappropriately but may take a while to warm up as she is not used to social interaction
- Treats others depending largely on how they treat her
- Likes to take on challenges to solve problems
- Can be acerbic as a defense mechanism to hide her vulnerabilities
- As a researcher, her curiosity has helped to push through to completion some of the more complex researches at the research centre.
- However, in her personal life, her curiousity tends to get her into some of the trickiest and most problematic situations instead.

- Enjoys swimming, a good massage, exploring new places, photography, reading shoujo manga and watching anime
- Likes most animals especially cats, dogs, rabbits, hamsters, birds
- Likes listening to classical, modern and pop music
- Able to play most musical instruments
- Likes to be organised
- Enjoys drinking coffee and tea
- Enjoys cakes, pastries and desserts such as macarons, icecream, crepes
- Practices aikido, archery and firearms training for self defence
- Loves doing research on almost anything of interest to her which took up most of her time
> Curious by nature as she loves science and cannot resist an interesting experiment
> Inquisitive, can come across as pushy sometimes when someone or something attracts her attentionDislikes
- Indecisiveness
- Messy and cluttered environment
- Feeling flustered

Race - Human/ Angel (descendant from Angel Lilith bloodline and currently the Chrestomaci)
Abilities - Magic user (most magic spells such as elemental, spatial, chrono, psychokinesis, summoning, soul, channeling which gives her the access to reality, law, conceptual and spatial manipulation as well as reality manipulation negation ability, alchemy, healing, etc); weapon and equipment user (various swords, various guns, archery, various machinery, etc.); martial artist (Aikido, Muay Thai, Taekwondo, Wing Chun, etc.). During her explorations into dungeons in the different worlds, she has collected numerous treasures and artefacts that could be used at any time during her travels.
Age - 24 y.o
Height - 163cm (5'4")
Weight - 48kg
Orientation - Heterosexual
Alignment - Lawful neutral
Role play rules- RP in English only
- The following will result in blocking:
>Toxic behavior will not be tolerated
> Animosity or harrassment towards admin or muse will result in being blocked
> Anti-AI art account DNI
> No writer's age in bio or pin, SFW only
> Irl and non-rp accounts, please do not participate in any of the starters or bandwagons. They will be soft blocked if they did.
> RP accounts which age up muses who are minors, please only participate in SFW starters and RPs
> DNI with minor unless strictly SFW RP. If one attempts to do NSFW, it will result in an immediate hard block.
- Extremely selective to replies
- Slow replies/ Semi-IA
- DMs open to discuss plot
- SFW in threads, NSFW only in DM
- Lewd is earned and only in DM (only for 18+ for both muse and mun)
- Multiship (with chemistry), each in its own AU separate from other ships
- Single shipped with very strong chemistry
- Multiverse friendly
- Multi fandom friendly
- Cross over friendly
- Wholesome
- Romance
- Uniform
- Magic
- Toys
- Leather
(and more. Ask in dms for more)Limits
-Toilet Kinks
-Mind break
- No IRL nudes on the TL. Please have the courtesy to flag it as sensitive or for nudity if posting. I will absolutely block without much of a thought if I see such a thing now.
- No pedos, shoutas, or flat out lolis or anything that is either perceived as or is flat out underage. Immediate blocking will be done, and I will not tolerate it at all.//Any in-game artwork, fanart or any artworks used on this account is used with express permission from the artist (All artists are cited and given credit for their work)
Screen caps of cards, games, etc. Rightfully belong to creators of Obey Me! & NTT Solmare.
None of the artworks are mine
FC (18 - 20+) - @kuwashima_rein
FC (24+ onwards) - Demon King Nobunaga of the Sixth Heaven
The rest are generated using AI art app to supplement for the FCs.

- is of age
- admin is in a relationship irl
- Regular chats - TL most of the time
- will do my best to respond when I am able/ inspired/ have time
- Mon till Fri: sporadic response
Sat/ Sun: slightly more regular responses
- UTC + 11:00
- If I have not get back to you after 2 days, please send me a reminder in DM. I might not have received the notification for your response.
- Please do not expect immediate reply or rush me for it
- Please consider the thread ended after I clicked 'like' for it unless there are reasons to continue with it.
- Admin's RL will always take priority over online relationships and roleplaying
- Tone tags for OOC

Relationships-Relationships with Canon characters-
- strong interest in Lucifer, Barbatos, Solomon (ObeyMe)
- open to explore ship with other canon characters from other fandoms
- may consider long term RP if there is strong chemistry-Relationship with other OC/ MC/ muse-
Casual Friends/ Acquaintance
- under 18
- new followers
- Occasionally interaction through chats or RP startersGood friends/ Good bonds
- Interacts frequently through chats and RP startersClose friends/ Strong bonds
- RPs with me regularly (especially detailed ones)
- Regular interaction through chats
- Potential shipping with chemistry
- Potential single shipping if with very strong chemistry--------------Shion's mains----------------Potential ships and love interests@Axscesu
The pirate and the red head had such interesting encounters each time they met. It's amazing to see how their relationship blossom from sparing partners to something else.@Barbatos
Intrigued by the meticulous butler of the Prince of Devildom, Shion was gradually drawn to him by the mysteries he is shrouded within. It did not take longer before they are committed to each other as they continue to enjoy each other's company during the times spent together@CoffeeOwnerJack
His smile, his personality and the coffee he brewed draws her towards him. There is rarely a day she would miss appearing at the cafe.@CURSEOFSHINRA
The bearer of Chaos and the Protomateria has become a part of her life since they met at the basement of the old ShinRa mansion. Nothing has been the same since then between the two.@DeadestOfWeight
From chance encounter to becoming comrades in arms to becoming a couple. The vibes between the two have always be friendly and yet playful as they get to know each other through every encounter they have. Her demon hunter would always have a special place in her heart.@Enviousdragon / @Enviouswater
Who would have thought a chanced union has brought the two researchers together? Both equally mischievous in the pranks which they play and both equally curious in the researches they conduct.@GojoExorcist
The time they spent together have been such a delight that it feels only natural that they are together. She treasures every moment he spends with her in the midst of his busy work schedule.@IchigoKuro29
A chance encounter with the substitute shinigami has brought about the development of their story together. Through the time they spend together, how far would they advance in their bond, in their relationship?@Immortal _ Flames
Her fiery Saint who has taught her about the 8th senses and the use of the Cosmo energy which some possess. Tough and harsh on the outside towards enemies but can be kind towards the ones he treasures and wishes to protect.@JayVampireeee
By chance they met at the cafe bookstore and by chance they discovered their interests overlaps. And by chance, she discovered his secret as a vampire. Ever since that, their story together slowly unfold as they exchanged rings and vows to continue on life journey together. Who knows what might happen next.@LostKrauz607 (inactive)
Who would have known that a chance meeting across three worlds would have caused their relationship to blossom. Her Night Sky will always be in her heart no matter the distance.@NeonSings
Through numerous encounters, their feelings for each other grows and develop and their bond strengthens. What will happen to this couple as they continue? Only time will tell....@PrinceNoct (inactive)
A chance meeting with the prince has brought the two together as they start their journey together.@royalpaladin (inactive)
Becoming part of the spacecrew as they venture into space together. Her relationship with the other crew members deepen as they spend time in space visiting the other worlds.@royalspada
It is amazing how a piece of pizza could have started a relationship between the two. His carefree and his witty personality are what draws her to him and his intention to develop his shop.@Sierra607Alpha
From enemy to friends to lovers, an interesting turn of events leading from one to another. The silent Spartan has become her darling, her dearest.@THEFATUIPRINCE
After her visit to Mondstadt, she encountered the captain of the knight. From there onwards, their paths continue to cross with each other. With every moment which they spent together they uncover their feelings for each other. How will their story continue, only time will tell.@XproRyno
A chanced encounter with an artefact shop owner brought about an adventure of a lifetime. Though a little naughty at times, he has been respectful and kind towards her which she values alot. What awaits our couple moving forward?Besties and family
Her dear friend whom she has known for a while since they met in Devildom. At the moment, she worries that her close friend's avoided past would eventually chase up to her.@xSunsetHeartx
Her sister whom she has hanged out with sometimes. Her interest in getting stronger became one of their common topics of discussion on top of their occasional tea party and dressing up sessions.@W-Afton
Since the day she met with Marie, Wendy and Will, she felt close to them like they are her siblings and family since she has always been an only child. Since then they have been hanging together from time to time.----------------More to come---------------

- Happy to interact to discuss about the gameplay, storyline analysis, devilgrams and about any of the OM characters or anything OM related
- Also happy to discuss anything non OM related such as manga, anime, games or drama related
- Special thanks to the following artists/ contributors for creating the following images of Shion:@K_Asinine



